FEATURED eBags eTech 2.0 Weekender Convertible Junior (Olive)
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- Main compartment zipper is protected with storm flap to reduce the risk of adverse weather affecting your contents
- Contoured airmesh backpack straps for exceptional comfort, hide away in the rear compartment
- Padded back panel for increased comfort when carried as a backpack
- Front organization panel keeps small items in place and makes finding them a breeze
- Our signature orange lining makes finding your items easy
Main compartment zipper is protected with storm flap to reduce the risk of adverse weather affecting your contents
Contoured airmesh backpack straps for exceptional comfort, hide away in the rear compartment
Padded back panel for increased comfort when carried as a backpack
Front organization panel keeps small items in place and makes finding them a breeze
Our signature orange lining makes finding your items easy
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